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    CSCTA Simulation and Exam
    • Book 1 CSCTA Virtual Session
    • Book 2 CSCTA Virtual Session
    • CSCTA Exam Part 1. Role of the Transformation Architect
    • CSCTA Exam Part 2. Build Consensus for an Approach to Transformation
    • CSCTA Exam Part 3. Define and Prioritize Supply Chains
    • CSCTA Exam Part 4. Transitioning the Leadership Team
    • CSCTA Exam Part 6. Discipline and Culture
    • CSCTA Exam Part 5. Governance of Performance
    • CSCTA Exam Part 7. Risk Mitigation and Management
    • CSCTA Exam Part 8 Project Portfolio Management
    • CSCTA Exam Part 9. Project Definition and Execution
    • CSCTA Exam Part 10. Customer and Supplier Collaboration
    • CSCTA Exam Part 11. Collaborative Change Management
    • CSCTA Exam Part 12. Supply Chain Executive Reviews and Command Centers